I have practised yoga on and off since I was a teenager but when I was in my 40's I started to attend a Dru class. I was very soon 'hooked' as the benefits of the practice helped me to let go of my considerable stresses........ I had brought up two young children pretty much single handed alongside working full time as a teacher in a high school. At the time I started to go to classes I was on medication for an irregular heartbeat. I found that the yoga helped to heal me physically, mentally and emotionally. It enabled me to let go of the tensions, the emotional pains I had been through and to find an inner stillness.

I quickly established a daily practice of my own and then eventually in 2010 started the teacher training course. I am so happy to be able to share the benefits of Dru yoga with my friends, family, colleagues and my students.

My yoga practice has impacted so many areas of my life: a respect for my physical well being, a respect for all life forms, improved relationships, a deep love of nature, a deep sense of gratitude.

I live in Egginton with my husband, our dogs Tilly and Benjy, and from time to time our grown up son and daughter! I love spending time outside in the fresh air and preferably the countryside walking with the dogs, friends or on my own. I take lots of photographs of the beautiful things I see whilst walking (some of which I have chosen for this site).
About Me
Copyright 2014 Susan Cheese
Website Design by: by Tilly the Springer